A security officer patrols the perimeter of a local shopping centre throughout the night, every night. During these patrols, the perimeter fence is checked, and the security officer keeps a look-out for suspicious behaviour with the intention of reporting any strange...
They patrol your property in the dead of the night, often risking life and limb to ensure that your assets are secure from the clutches of the criminal element. Hi-Tech Security Solutions spoke to a few local companies about how technology is providing mine operators...
Active Track offers a solution to control and restrict the movement and storage of high-value goods. The solution is executed by incorporating the Active Track device – a handheld GPS, GPRS and GSM-enabled unit with a built-in RFID reader – into a company’s asset...
As is the case with many residential estates, there is a guard on duty at the entrance gate 24 hours per day. In this case, a security officer was stationed in the guard room at the entrance to a newly-built residential complex in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg....
Most will agree that being admitted to hospital is a stressful experience. This is often coupled with concerns regarding quality of healthcare and safety, not helped by the sensationalist media articles that frequent our news feeds. A private clinic recently came...